Sayfa: 1
A la Bien-Aimée
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5854 başarlı)
A la femme aimée
: Etudes et préludes şiirler 2006-08-21 (9046 başarlı)
Bacchante triste
: Etudes et préludes şiirler 2006-08-21 (8004 başarlı)
Chair des choses
: Sillages şiirler 2006-08-21 (6634 başarlı)
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5772 başarlı)
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5528 başarlı)
Fête d’Automne
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5383 başarlı)
Je connais un étang
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5140 başarlı)
Le Palais du Poète
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5141 başarlı)
Le Poète
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5264 başarlı)
Let the dead bury their dead
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5616 başarlı)
Mon Paradis
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (5479 başarlı)
: şiirler 2006-08-30 (6067 başarlı)
Petit Poème érotique
: şiirler 2006-08-29 (7235 başarlı)
Poème d’amour
: şiirler 2006-08-30 (5528 başarlı)
Roses du soir
: Evocations şiirler 2006-08-21 (6698 başarlı)
Ta royale jeunesse a la mélancolie
: Evocations şiirler 2006-08-21 (7025 başarlı)
Sayfa: 1 |

Biyografi Renée Vivien
Renée Vivien, born Pauline Mary Tarn (11 June 1877 - 18 November 1909) was a British poet who wrote in the French language.[1][2] She took to heart all the mannerisms of Symbolism, as one of the last poets to claim allegiance to the school. Her compositions include sonnets, hendecasyllabic verse, and prose poetry.
Vivien was born in London, England to a wealthy British father and an American mother from Jackson, Michigan. She grew up in Paris and London. Upon inheriting her father's fortune at 21, she emigrated permanently to France.
In Paris, Vivien's dress and lifestyle were as notorious among the bohemian set as was her verse. She lived lavishly, as an open lesbian, and carried on a well-known affair with American heiress and writer Natalie Clifford Barney. She also harbored a lifelong obsession with her closest childhood friend and neighbor, Violet Shillito – a relationship that remained unconsummated. In 1900 Vivien abandoned this chaste love, when the great romance with Natalie Barney ensued. The following year Shillito died of typhoid fever, a tragedy from which Vivien, guilt-ridden, would never fully recover.
Vivien was cultivated and very well-traveled, especially for a woman of the late Victorian and Edwardian periods. She wintered in Egypt, visited China, and explored much of the Middle East, as well as Europe and America. Contemporaries considered her beautiful and elegant, with blonde hair, brown eyes flecked with gold, and a soft-spoken androgynous presence. Before the manifestations of illness, she was well-proportioned and fashionably slender. She wore expensive clothes and particularly loved Lalique jewelry.
Her Paris home was a luxurious ground-floor apartment at 23, avenue du Bois de Boulogne (now 23, avenue Foch) that opened onto a Japanese garden. She purchased antique furnishings from London and exotic objets d'art from the Far East. Fresh flowers were abundant, as were offerings of Lady Apples to a collection of shrines, statuettes, icons, and Buddhas.