Biyografi Pablo Antonio Cuadra
Pablo Antonio Cuadra (n. 4 noiembrie 1912, Managua, Nicaragua, d. 2 ianuarie 2002 în acelaÈ™i oraÈ™) a fost un poet nicaraguyan de renume continental, angajat cu ceilalÈ›i membri ai generaÈ›iei sale "Vanguardia" (José Coronel Urtecho, JoaquÃn Pasos, etc.) în deschiderea poeziei din Nicaragua spre noile experienÈ›e poetice. Fondator de reviste È™i ziare.
Pablo Antonio Cuadra (1912-2002) was a Nicaraguan essayist, art and literary critic, playwright, graphic artist and one of the most famous poets of Nicaragua.
Cuadra was born on November 4, 1912, in Managua but spent the majority of his life in Granada. Cuadra or PAC was the son of Carlos Cuadra Pasos and Mercedita Cardenal. Cuadro is first cousin-of Ernesto Cardenal. He married Adilia Mercedes Bendaña RamÃrez.
In 1931 Cuadra, along with José Coronel Urtecho, JoaquÃn Pasos, and other writers, founded the Vanguardia literary movement in Granada.
Cuadra's Poemas nicaragüenses was published in 1934. He opposed the American intervention against Augusto César Sandino in the 1930s and broke with the Somoza dynasty in the 1940s. Cuadra later became an outspoken advocate for Nicaragua's poor, embracing liberation theology and other intellectual currents the Somoza government considered subversive. He later also criticized the post-1979 Sandinista National Liberation Front régime for stifling the independence of Nicaragua's culture and for several years thereafter he lived in self-imposed exile in Costa Rica and Texas.
In 1954 he became co-director of La Prensa newspaper alongside his cousin and partner, Pedro JoaquÃn Chamorro Cardenal, who was assassinated by Somoza supporters in 1978. He was briefly jailed for his opposition to the Somoza's régime in 1956. In 1961 he became editor of the influential journal El Pez y La Serpiente (the fish and the serpent), which was highly influential in Latin America.
He died on January 2, 2002 in Managua, following a respiratory illness. He was buried on January 4 in Granada, where he spent the majority of his life.
Poemas nicaragüenses (1934)
Canto temporal (1943)
Poemas con un crepúsculo a cuestas (1949)
La tierra prometida (1952)
El jaguar y la luna (1959)
PoesÃa (1964)
Cantos de Cifar (1971)
Esos rostros que asoman en la multitud (1976)
Siete árboles contra el atardecer (1980)
Agosto (1970, 1972)
Vuelva, Güegüense (1970)
Cuentos escogidos (1999)