Biyografi Reed Whittemore
Reed Whittemore, poet, critic, jurnalist literar, profesor.
S-a născut la data de 11 septembrie 1919
Născut la New Haven, Connecticut, Reed Whittemore a studiat la Universitatea Yale; actualmente este profesor la Colegiul Carleton din Northfield, Minnesota.
A publicat următoarele volume de versuri:
Eroi și eroine(Heroes and Heroines, 1946)
Un american pleacă la plimbare(An American Takes a Walk, 1956)
Selfmade Man și alte poeme(The Self-made man and Other Poems, 1959)
Băiatul din Iowa(The Boy from Iowa, 1962).
A editat și două periodice literare.
Heroes & Heroines ([1946)
An American Takes a Walk (1956)
The Self-Made Man (1959)
The Boy from Iowa (1962)
Poems, New and Selected (1967)
Fifty Poems Fifty (1970)
The Mother's Breast and the Father's House (1974)
The Feel of Rock: Poems of Three Decades (1982)
The Past, the Future, the Present: Poems Selected and New (1990)
Ten from Ten & One More (2007)
The Season of Waiting: Selected Poems: 1946-2006 (Hebrew trans by Moseh Dor) (2007)
The Little Magazine and Contemporary Literature (1966)
From Zero to Absolute (1967)
The Fascination of the Abomination: Poems, stories, essays (1963)
William Carlos Williams: Poet from Jersey (1975)
The Poet as Journalist: Life at the New Republic (1976)
Pure Lives: The Early Biographers (1988)
Whole Lives: Shapers of Modern Biography (1989)
Six Literary Lives (1993)
Against The Grain: The Literary Life of a Poet, a Memoir by Reed Whittemore (2007)