Biyografi Robert Sheckley
Robert Sheckley, born in 1928, grew up in New Jersey and served in Korea before selling his first story in 1951. A master of satire and irony whose work has been called \"galactic humor,\" Sheckley was one of the first to portray gadgets that think for humans, such as intelligent refrigerators. Among his classic stories are \"Shape\", \"Specialist\", \"Seventh Victim\", and \"Warm\" (all 1953), \"The Prize of Peril\" (1958), \"The Store of the Worlds\" (1959), \"The People Trap\" (1968), and \"Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?\" (1969); \"Shall We Have a Little Talk?\" (1965) and \"What Is Life?\" (1976) were Nebula and World Fantasy award nominees respectively. Early story collections Untouched by Human Hands (1954), Citizen in Space (1955), and Pilgrimage to Earth (1957) were followed by others in the \'60s and \'70s, with retrospective The Collected Short Fiction of Robert Sheckley published in 5 volumes in 1991.
Sheckley\'s first novel Immortality Inc. (1959) was an expanded version of Hugo-nominated Galaxy serial \"Time Killer\". Following novels include Mindswap (1966), The Status Civilization (1960), Journey Beyond Tomorrow (1962), The Tenth Victim (1966), and many others, most recently Godshome (1999). Sheckley has also written for TV and film, including 15 episodes in 1953 of the Captain Video TV series. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon.